Business Services

We place great value on every business within our community, no matter its size. When you maintain a business account with Consolidated, you will be given a single point of contact to help answer any questions you may have from the building phase—before service is established, and on into the future

Consolidated Cooperative’s business development specialists are here to assist you as you build and expand your business:

Dan Boysel

Brad Ebersole

Questline Business Services

Questline is a free service for Consolidated’s business members, with the following features:

Ask an Expert Hotline: Submit a request on any energy efficiency, business development, power quality or other energy, technical or business issues. Researchers, development experts, and engineers are ready to handle any request.

Resource Newsletter: A bimonthly newsletter introduces and examines technical and business issues important to your business. It includes information on lowering costs, improving productivity, reducing energy costs, and other business topics.

Resource Website: Gain access to knowledge bases, targeted research and newsletters quickly and easily.

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