It can be challenging to plan your monthly finances when you’re not sure how much propane you will use. Our Budget Billing program makes planning simpler by evening out your bills based on your average use from the past year.
We use a “variable” system for Budget Billing, which means we recalculate your average propane use each month. This can lead to small budget changes throughout the year, but it helps you avoid any potential “catch up” months if your energy use changes significantly while you are on Budget Billing.
We need a full year’s worth of data to create an accurate budget plan, so you must be a Consolidated member for at least 12 months before signing up for this program.
If you want to know more about Budget Billing or any of our other payment programs, give us a call at 800-421-5863 or fill out the form below. Our team would love to help you find a solution that works for you!